Circle Area Finder In Python
Most of the people asked me to show a way to Calculate distances and measures of various topics that are pretty complicated which I had not noticed to build a console app for. As the need of the growing population, we need to make ease of access to 100% as the further generations need it.
Here is the code for finding the area for big measures and units in Python -
# Made my Pranav@PythonDev
response = input("You have diameter or radius type in lowercase:")
if response == "radius" :
radius = int(input("what is ur radius"))
answer = int(radius * 3.142 * 2)
print("the area is:")
print("sq cm")
if response == "diameter":
diameter = int(input("enter ur diameter"))
answer = int(diameter * 3.142 * 2)
print("the area is:")
print("sq cm")
# Hope it is Helpful